Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
Just push the button to go ahead!
@@.btn1;<<button "Los!">>
<<goto "2x3">>
<<set $focus = "B1 Wortstellg Modalsatz">>
<span class="instruction">Reconstruct the sentence by dragging the words into the correct order!</span>
<<wordOrder "#Afterwards,*Paine*took*different*jobs*such as*a tax*collector*and*teacher.#" $level $focus>>
<<widget "wordOrder">>\
<<set $level to $args[1]>>\
<<set $cap = Story.get(passage()).tags[0]>>
<<set $focus to $args[2]>>\
<<set $round += 1>>\
<<set $cap = Story.get(passage()).tags[0]>>\
<div id="container" class="noScroll"></div>
@@.btn1;<<button "check!">>
<<if wordOrderCorrect>>\
<<goto "right">>
<<goto "wrong">>
<<widget "dialog">>\
<<set $level to $args[1]>>\
<<set $focus to $args[2]>>\
<<set $round += 1>>\
<<set $cap = Story.get(passage()).tags[0]>>\
<<if Array.isArray($args[0])>>\
<span class="instruction">Ziehen Sie die Sätze in das linke
Fenster und bringen Sie den Dialog/Text in die richtige
<div id="dialogs_container">
<div id="left_container">
<div id="right_container"></div>
@@.btn1;<<button "weiter">>
<<if orderCorrect>>\
<<set $solved to true>>
<<set $solved to false>>\
<<widget "selNextPassage">>
<<audio ":all" stop>>
<<set $cap = Story.get(passage()).tags[0]>>
<<if $solved eq true>>
<<set $performance.answerLog.push(true)>>
<<set $result to $result + ($level+1)>>
<<set $performance.rightAnswers[$level] ++>>
<<set $strengths[$cap].push($focus)>>
<<set $performance.answerLog.push(false)>>
<<set $weaknesses[$cap].push($focus)>>
<<if $performance.answerLog.length lt 4>>\
<<set $performance.trueCount to 0>>\
<<set $performance.falseCount to 0>>\
<<set $performance.trueCount to
<<set $performance.falseCount to
<<if $performance.trueCount gt $performance.falseCount>>
<<set $level to $level + 1>>
<<set $direction.push("↑")>>
<<if $level gt 4>>
<<set $level to 4>>
<<elseif $performance.falseCount gt $performance.trueCount>>
<<set $level to $level - 1>>
<<set $direction.push("↓")>>
<<if $level lt 0>>
<<set $level to 0>>
<<set $level to $level>>
<<set $direction.push("=")>>
<<set $nextpassage to $level + "x" + $round>>\
<<if Story.has($nextpassage)>>\
<<set $performance.path.push($level)>>\
<<goto $nextpassage>>\
<<goto "evaluation">>\
<<widget "showCaps">>
<<set $capacity to $args[0]>>\
<<set $weakOrStrong to $args[1]>>\
<<if $weakOrStrong eq "weak">>\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $weaknesses[$capacity].length;
<<elseif $weakOrStrong eq "strong">>\
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $strengths[$capacity].length; _i++>>\
<<print "ERROR">>
<<set $performance to {
rightAnswers : [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
answerLog : [],
path: []
<<set $strengths to {
audio : [],
lesen : [],
gram : [],
coherence : [],
voc : [],
dialog : []
<<set $weaknesses to {
audio : [],
lesen : [],
gram : [],
coherence : [],
voc : [],
dialog : []
<<set $result to 0>>\
<<set $round = 0>>\
<<set $direction = []>>\
<<set $problems = []>>\
<<set $level = "">>\
<<set $userName to "">>\
<<set $userMail to "">>\
<<set $nameOK to false>>\
<<set $mailOK to false>>\
<<set $solved to false>>\
<<if passage() === "evaluation">>
_correct to [],
_incorrect to [];
$performance.path.forEach(function (v, i) {
var selector = "#" + v + "x" + (i + 1);
if ($performance.answerLog[i]) {
} else {
_correct to _correct.join(",");
_incorrect to _incorrect.join(",");
<<addclass _correct "green">>
<<addclass _incorrect "red">>
<<prepend ".passage">>\
<div class="header"></div>
@@#hint;<<button "">><<toggleclass "#passageHint"
"show">\><<toggleclass "#hint"
<div id="passageHint">_hint</div>\
You chose wisely!You chose poorly!